Saturday, March 6, 2010

13.1 Miles

Well in my continued plight to lose weight, my friend Matt and I have started training for a half marathon. I have gained a few pounds and am still having issues with food as an idol. But today we did a leg of 8 miles which shockingly wasn't too hard, but it was tough afterwards. I have also pulled a ligament in my hip which has made me have constant pain especially when I sleep. Anyway, if I were to start giving you excuses about what I have been doing, or how busy I have been I know it would be an attempt to cover up the truth. The truth is I love crappy food and I don't love exercising. Both of these things need to change to some degree. Well that's all for now. I'll try to get back on track with blogging but realize if you haven't heard from me I am struggling! Please feel free to ask me at any time about this because the more accountability and burden barring others are willing to do, the more it stands before me as a daily issue. So thanks!

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